Fixed header on scroll ie8 for windows

Im guessing this is why the image thumbnails are up all the way to the top rather than below the header. Solved page header fixed while content scrolls below. The following code works fine but when it comes to ie 7 and 8 it does not anymore. Learn how to create a fixed sticky header on scroll with css and javascript. Pure css scrollable table with fixed header using css to allow scrolling within a single html table. Im trying to build a fixed header and footer on a horizontal scrolling page. How to fix randomly disappearing absolutelypositioned. I need to to scroll behind the text and the black header background.

It was only written to fill the gap while waiting for internet explorer to implement fixed positioning. A way to fix this is to disable smooth scrolling on ie, but it wont help your users. W3schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. If you are using fixed backgrounds on your website such as here, you may experience issues on ie im on ie11 windows 8. How to turn off autohide mode for toolbar on top of screen. How to fix randomly disappearing absolutelypositioned elements in ie. Add the sticky class to the header when you reach its scroll position. Hi, i am working on customizing the new theme for prestashop 1. There are other css methods of having a fixed header and scrolling body but most have drawbacks which is. Header position fixed problem with ie and firefox addons. Although this fix can make it work in ie 6 as well, that is counter productive for the future of the web. Your fixed backgrounds may jump around and jitter when scrolling with mousewheel. When i scroll, the back header background doesnt stay fixed and only the text stays at the top all the content scrolls behind the text.

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